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Sorry fo your loss David, he sounds a great man, especially some of the memories you have of him, just remember the good times, its those that will get you through

Thanks Patrick, appreciate your kind words. Very proud he was my Grandfather and was able to share some really good times with him over the years.

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Sorry to read of your news David, my sincere condolences to you and your family at this difficult time. It sounds like you have lots of good positive memories of your Grandad to look back on to help you through the next few weeks

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Oh David.... another reason to add to the list of why I HATE this topic with a passion. As all the other above me have said, sincerest condolences to you and yours. Keep smiling if you can mate and remember those good times with fond affection.

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Sorry to hear the very sad news David - treasure those amazing memories. Love and best wishes from Jo.

Thanks ever so much Jo, I certainly will do, he was great to be around whilst I was growing up.

Sorry to read of your news David, my sincere condolences to you and your family at this difficult time. It sounds like you have lots of good positive memories of your Grandad to look back on to help you through the next few weeks

Thanks Gav, appreciate your kind words. Loads of fantastic memories especially from his farming days which he used to descibe to me in vivid detail, I could listen to him for hours.

Oh David.... another reason to add to the list of why I HATE this topic with a passion. As all the other above me have said, sincerest condolences to you and yours. Keep smiling if you can mate and remember those good times with fond affection.

Thanks Mark, very much appreciated. As i've said to many of my friends over the past few days to reach the ripe old age of 85 having led such a very fulfilling life is one heck of an achievement. He's someone i'll always look up to and remember with great affection for a long time to come.

Same here R.I.P.  :(

Thank you, appreciated.

Very sorry to see this David. Sincere condolences to you and your family at your sad time.

Chin up and remember the good times.

Thanks ever so much Colm and a big thank you to everyone else who has offered their support. It has been very humbling and comforting to read everyone's comments.

Most of the arrangements and loose ends since his passing have now been taken care of and i'm now looking towards giving him a most deserving send off next tuesday and being their for the rest of my family. 

Thanks again everyone.


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We gave my Grandad a most fitting and deserving send off earlier today. Proud Grand Son I most certainly am. Thanks again everyone.

Proud Grandad he most certainly is. Well done David & family. 

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