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Chris whitehead memorial show


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Moving onto Paul Capon's fine array of conversions another of which now resides in Derwent Vale. Thanks Paul. :)



Whilst Paul had plenty of time to chat all things model tractors, his mate on the hand did not. I'm guessing Saturday night turned into a long one for some! :D


Bazza's stand just next door to Paul's.




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Many thanks again David, your pictures show the world everything that was there on the day :)

No problem at all Paul, delighted to have been there with my camera, really enjoyed myself. Thanks to everyone who gave up their time to put on a fantastic show all for several very worthy causes. :)

Here's my last few from yesterday. I managed spot a break in the weather to capture a couple of the real tractors residing outside on display in the shape of this smart pair of blues from very different eras. Unfortunately I missed the rather nice looking logging equipped Valmet 6400 that was on show earlier in the day.




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Bill, The Ford collection belongs to John Dewhurst, and was the first time he'd brought out almost his entire collection, and the Meccano models were handiwork of Mark Rolston, who brought along just a taster of his built up models that he has in his collection, He can soon fill a table or 3 but transport then becomes an issue.

All in all a good day was had by all and was a great Tribute to two of the Farm model worlds most memorable and devoted enthusiasts, Both Chris (dad) and Phil will have left an everlasting impression in so many peoples lives and yesterday proved that both men will never be forgotten for there contibutions to the farm model hobby and show circuit. :) :) :)

We'll let you know what develops in the pipeline for future plans,

Thanks for the update Paul...I'm sure I seen John with his Fords at Penrith come to think of it.

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what a wonderful show. Well worth a visit it seems!

of course i have to comment on the Ford collection ;)

what an awesome collection, it seems to be very very complete with all the small detailed differences in them as well, and all boxed.. I have spotted quite a few of which i did not know there were more variations of, would be interesting to meet this guy and talk models :D

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Just landed back in sunny Sussex

Very enjoyable 3 day round trip, Saturday evening will always stay in the memory bank.

Jaxs on the way home kept repeating what an amazing bunch of friends you all are and how we all have such a great bond. Not bad for a load of weirdos ;)

Well done again to all concerned especially Paul, Harold, Hazel, Damian & the Lancs gang

The fact that so much money was raised for the Clic Sargent ( a charity that is so close to my heart for all the support and great work they did for my son during his cancer struggle , amputation and probably more importantly since) brings a big smile to my handsome face :-*

If UTS can support the show again we will. Well Done all of you.

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Had a long chat with John. He only collects Britains Ford's but has a smashing collection and I loved his Nothrop

He has plenty of ideas for conversions with the new Britains releases coming soon so lots to look forward too.

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I not sure if John sells owt he makes he builds mostly for himself, but the topper does finish my 4000 off nicely, on hire for yesterday to Hornsea's HedgeMaster aka Sparrowlegs :) :)

Love the 4000 Paul. Im looking to buy a 4000 & 4600 convo in 1/32 at a reasonable price & i think most members know this well by now. Thats why i was wondering did John sell em ,cause it looks like he has a few 4600's in his line up. But at this stage i think ill try and do my own convo builds. Im actully attempting a County 4000 Four at the moment in 1/32. But i just dont seem to have the time to finsh it ,let alone do a few more of the 3 cyl Fords I want to add to my collection.

So guys if have em, i mi ght buy em!!! ;)

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Couple more of Russ feeling extremely dodgy during the show ;)

Cannot think why >:D >:D

ha harrrr this is what happens when you drink with the big dog from the north east :laugh: :laugh: ,,,well ,,,erm,,, i was just as bad my self ,,,, :-[ ,, but i had to deal with the public as my wife and mam who was with me give me no sympathy what so ever !!! i only started to pull my self round about 3 o`clock

but all things a side ,,,what a turn out 8) ,,and a great weekend away

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