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5 hours ago, mb86 said:

The prat conned me as well. Thank you to some forum members who helped me locate him, his phone number, his address and his business on faceslap. I won't tell you what I said to him on the phone yesterday but I have been refunded. Who says threats of violence gets you nowhere.:)

Thank you Martin for your help today - I too have been refunded after a rather short but to the point telephone conversation with this prat.  I have - needless to say - suggested rather strongly that he refund all on the forum that he conned or the relevant authorities will be contacted.  He does have access to PayPal, so that is not an excuse.  For those effected, pursue him, you should get your money back.

Today has been an up and down day for me personally - feeling like a numpty and then a small victory, but the best thing about today has been the supportive nature of certain members of this forum, who demonstrate that at the seat of it all there are genuinely good people on here who wont stand for any abuse of the system.  Thanks all, you know who you are!

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So far all the people I have brought off from the Forum have been good and honest and kept me up to date all the way. It is a shame when 1 rotten apple spoils it for others. Only have 1 parcel to arrive but I think that is the one DPD or the post office tried to deliver today whilst I was at work so I will not worry just yet :) but with all this going on it makes me wonder if I should just buy from members when the item is on Ebay, even if it means I have to pay more to get the item, but also costs the seller more to sell it :(

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2 minutes ago, b_emmons said:

So far all the people I have brought off from the Forum have been good and honest and kept me up to date all the way. It is a shame when 1 rotten apple spoils it for others. Only have 1 parcel to arrive but I think that is the one DPD or the post office tried to deliver today whilst I was at work so I will not worry just yet :) but with all this going on it makes me wonder if I should just buy from members when the item is on Ebay, even if it means I have to pay more to get the item, but also costs the seller more to sell it :(

It is a shame Brian - its what usually happens in life - one spoils it for the rest.  However, as Andy has quite rightly stated, sales should now be through the system rather than ad hock.

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6 hours ago, 844john said:

i doubt very much whether the items will turn up now Jan, on reflection I did think at the time that his emails ( when he replied) were very short and impersonal as if he really couldn't be bothered. Obviously he could not....

You've got a point, in hinesight I thought it a bit strange that it took so long for me to get answers from him, as well as a certain reluctance to state his name and address for payment purposes.. Glad some of you got sorted! We'll see what happens to me though, not feeling so very optimistic anymore to say the least. I agree with those who say buy from Ebay only, but like a few of you I was presented with a deal that wasn't likely to appear, and I didn't really have any reason to distrust him.

That being said, I'm still trying to reach out to him to get an explanation.

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Well Janval and anyone else who has been effected - I wont make any promises, but I have had a text from him saying that he will sort other members out tonight......again, I stress no promises.  BTW stay clear of 'inthefield2018' - his current Ebay user name, though he has switched twice in the last 3 days......

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1 hour ago, Janval said:

You've got a point, in hinesight I thought it a bit strange that it took so long for me to get answers from him, as well as a certain reluctance to state his name and address for payment purposes.. Glad some of you got sorted! We'll see what happens to me though, not feeling so very optimistic anymore to say the least. I agree with those who say buy from Ebay only, but like a few of you I was presented with a deal that wasn't likely to appear, and I didn't really have any reason to distrust him.

That being said, I'm still trying to reach out to him to get an explanation.

That's what really gets to me Jan, the abuse of trust. When I managed to get a price from him for the combine, I offered to give him a little bit more to cover the postage costs, as I believed that circumstances were forcing him into selling off his collection and I actually felt a little sorry for him, knowing how I would feel if I was in that position. On reflection, people may say that I was being a bit of a naive pratt, but I was brought up to treat people as I would wish to be treat myself. 

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I do hope everyone gets their money back, I'm sure if we can all make his life difficult if he doesn't refund those of us who were conned. Thank you to the mods or who from now on I shall call"the justice league of ftf" who stepped in and helped us in our mission we owe you all a pint! I think mr brown is well an truly out of his depth this time. 

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Very sorry to hear that the wheels have come off the deals that members have made with a certain member on here. I urge everyone who wants to buy and sell to read the post Andy has put in the forums update section. This member has gone to ground, but please contact the moderators for information about him. We cannot openly print names or addresses of any member that may or may not have been up to no good regarding  recent events, this could be slanderous.....as they say...innocent until proven guilty. I would urge anyone affected to contact the relevant authorities if they think that they have been conned.  Taking payment for something that doesn't exist is "obtaining money by deception". Good luck to those affected.

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Catching some virus on Tuesday and not knowing if I was dead or alive on Wednesday , got the keys to 3 place in my pocket as I said I would have them unlocked and meet them in my barn by just after 7am well managed the first bit but just had to stop back home and crawl up on the settee and send the wife up the farm to unlock for the builders , never left the settee till this afternoon and that was a job as it felt like someone had stolen my legs , now all this evening the wifes been nagging as I have not eaten for 2 days well every time I go to the DRs they tell me I am 2 stone overweight so I don't think not eating is going to hurt ,the wife bless here has been making warm drinks all the time and a hot water bottle for my feet allow I think the hot water bottle was for the dog as its been asleep with me for 90% of the time once or twice it walked up my body and started liking out my ears aah but I think she was only making sure I WAS still alive , anyway still not 100% but more alive than dead and because of all they laying around I cant get to sleep now so having another look on here as my eyes would not focus properly this afternoon and yes the dog is still asleep on the settee  

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6 hours ago, Valley Axe Man said:

Hope you get back to full health soon Smithy :)

Thanks Paul been at work since 7am this morning as had to meet builders we have unloaded 6 packs of blocks and I am knackered got another 6 to do but brickys said while its dry they would start laying while I go and have a drink to recover so that's what I am doing , feels like someone has shot some petrol in my normally running long stroke diesel engine or maybe my adblue tank is running low :D 

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  • 2 weeks later...

dont you just love it when you buy something of eBay, seems to be a big seller to,although not used them before , 1 of 2 items listed as in stock, 5 days later the seller says hes out if stock, and more will be ordered and be a week or so , yet hes still got the other one on ebay for sale??? does he think i am stupid , why put them on ebay if you don't have them ,you could almost call it fraud 

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1 hour ago, Tractorman810 said:

dont you just love it when you buy something of eBay, seems to be a big seller to,although not used them before , 1 of 2 items listed as in stock, 5 days later the seller says hes out if stock, and more will be ordered and be a week or so , yet hes still got the other one on ebay for sale??? does he think i am stupid , why put them on ebay if you don't have them ,you could almost call it fraud 

Name and shame Sean?

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All the so called experts going on about the bad weather and that if a road is gritted it should be fine :( I wish the idiots would just shut up as a bit of grit or salt will do bugger all for grip when it snows or when the temp is below 7 degrees Celsius as normal tyres will be rock hard below that :( Just wish this countries Government and transport departments would get out the stone age and finally change the stupid 1.6mm cars and 1mm tread on trucks/buses to 3-4mm minimum tread in winter and a winter rated tyre that works in cold temps :( 


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work threw a surprise today after the red alert for the snow was issued and sent out a mail to all the managers saying send the guys home, great except our boss didnt forward this on to anyone in the team, i took the decision to get back about 3 ish to the yard as it was starting to lay to be asked why i was still in, as were all the other guys, we all stood out like sore thumbs, everyone else was home by 12 . and he never even came in 

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