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Re-carpeting Mum and Dad's front room with this little lot.........


The real reason for this model tractor mosaic ( that also covers half the kitchen too ) is having moved out from home earlier in the year I aquired a nice new double bed to rest my head. Unfortunately things didn't work out as planned with my room mate and by the start of September I was back home, back in my old single bed with the larger more comfortable version in bits in the garage.....Not anymore, although it did mean having to empty four of my model cabinets and have a major shift and swap around so it would fit. 

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Nice display David...just watch no one treads on them ;D ;D

Parents haven't been allowed anywhere near them! A very unintentional display, I physically didn't have anywhere else to store them whilst I was swapping over beds and altering the layout of my room, Thanks all the same Bill. Slowly but surely moving them all back into their proper homes with the exception of few that being replaced with more most recent Spalding purchases. :)

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taken little sophie swiming, then a tip run with our garden waste ,and a load of cardboard from her mums, washed both cars and a trip to sainsburys for the fresh stuff we needed, now sat waiting for the shepards pie i have just made to cook, washed down with some cider ,nice cherry pie to have after with some thick cream

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Cut the rose bush back in the front garden, cut back next doors creeper which was finding its way under the roof tiles and around the guttering  >:( . Done some more plugging out of the mortar, just one bit left to do now but will wait for the bricky to catch up and move the scaffolding before I do that one evening this week. Have also been busy doing the feed barriers, roof panels and side cladding to Tims shed. Nearly done now  :)

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Made these up for HS Model Farms in Fermanagh - a subtle variation on what we already do with HS's own logo on them. I wasn't sure which section to put them in, as they could be considered a conversion, but they are 'what I've been doing today' :)

Nice work, Mandy  :)

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In work to 3.30 then home change oil and filters in my VW Golf GTTDI wash it and the MF3085 leave the MF3085 away for the winter  :'( the get ready for a good old knees up as im out for my b-day cant wait  :laugh:

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Off to Wincanton to help set up the dio room and put our stand and displays up.  Getting mega excited now... tomorrow is going to be fab :)

Only downside is the rude texts I get all morning from R2 and Chewy as the drive down from E Sussex ::);D ;D ;D

I'm getting mega exited aswell!!!!!

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Attacking just about every shrub in my garden with the pruners as we have the village bonfire party on one of our fields this year so I can get rid of it all. Was also going to go rabbit/fox bashing when the contractor came to do our maize today at work but as per usual he hasn't turned up when he said he would ::)

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