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The days are getting longer...I was looking out of the kitchen window just after 5pm and it was still light despite been a dull and overcast day...soon be able to get outside jobs done when I get home from work 8)

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The 2 new tractors that will be arriving on the lackham college farm soon: a Massey Ferguson 6480 and one of the models from their new 7000 range. I belive both will be fitted with RTK guidance systems and Autosteer but not sure if that will be a MF product or another brand. I believe the guidance system that the students use is also going to be upgraded to use the RTK signal and an Autosteer feature may also be fitted to one of the 'workshop' tractors. And dont worry Massey fans, I'll get some pictures when they arrive. I can also get some pictures of the older models that run around the workshops if anyone wants to see them?

Edited by Tommy Gough
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finally,and i do mean finally working out in my mind which way my model collection is going,ive done a velcourt layout , a layout on where i work part time and an all claas layout,this will be my last alteration to my layout now,so keep an eye out on huish farm and layout section in the next 2 to 3 weeks!!!!!!!!

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Today the Council tax notice came in and I was quite pleased to see it was the same amount as last year. It must be the first "renewal notice" in a long time that has come through the letter box and hasn't increased in price 8)

And yesterday I had to pick up a parcel from the folks at Kemnay so I went via Kintore and looked in the butchers window and the house furnishers / tea room window as I passed and I was pleased to see they had displayed posters for the second Aberdeen model show in May. This was a new village I tried this year to help promote the show when I was visiting my uncle. Although folk say they will display a poster well some say that but never actually get round to putting them up.

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while hedge cutting today on roadsides around farm i had to pull out of my work to let a bus through, he only had to wait a couple of minutes but as he came through he made a few rude jestures, which i duly returned. about an hour later the same bus came back from the opposite direction, and i again moved out of the way. the funny thing was, as he passed me i noticed he had smashed his near -side mirror to pieces, obviously the farmers up route dont cut there hedges!!. as he passed he woudnt make eye contact with me, priceless. i nearly wet myself laughing!! :)

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The other week I reported the male goldfinch had come visiting, He came again yesterday and this morning his lady arrived!

Spring is definitely in the air - two cock pheasants were having a territorial dispute in a neighbours front garden.

hello sue. last week here in essex we had two nights of -18 and -12. isnt it amazing how such small species of wildlife survive nights like that. nice to see that the food we all put out is doing some good. as you say , spring is in the air, nights and mornings are starting to pull out now.
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I think these two have a hidey hole in a hedge that is close to the house and faces my kitchen window in a very sheltered position. There is a tight clump of yew growing over and around an old stump there, next to my huge yew tree, and which I KNOW has a hole in it although I can no longer see it. Great **** used to use it as a nest site (and maybe still do) and I know smaller birds congregate in such places as many bodies mean more warmth. Lovely to see them even if they are a distraction!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just had a parcel arrived with my garden seeds for this year to find I have more than I ordered. I've used a new company this year who supply the market growers as the seed shoud be better quality and it is vastly cheaper than the garden suppliers. It now seems that I have enough sweetcorn seed to supply a whole village as they didn't have the small 500 seed packet I ordered they sent a 2500 seed packet free of charge at a cost of £12.60 to themselves......result! Sweetcorn seed anyone :ph34r::lol:

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Just had a parcel arrived with my garden seeds for this year to find I have more than I ordered. I've used a new company this year who supply the market growers as the seed shoud be better quality and it is vastly cheaper than the garden suppliers. It now seems that I have enough sweetcorn seed to supply a whole village as they didn't have the small 500 seed packet I ordered they sent a 2500 seed packet free of charge at a cost of £12.60 to themselves......result! Sweetcorn seed anyone :ph34r::lol:

Oooh lovely - I could use some and I do have space to grow it.

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