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not hot on PC & computer stuff i managed to get another modem / wireless base hooked up to this (the main household PC ) to the other PC & a laptop wirless thing as well as robs playstation wirless thingy havent got a clue how i did it , but there it's done  :-

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  •     The travel agents have told me that if my flight to Washington is cancelled they  will rebook via and alternative airline/airport/country even if it means my  taking Eurostar to Madrid.  They will also rebook and reschedule all the hotels and rail!  However they can do  nothing until British Airways says the flight is not going.

    Feeling a wash of relief!
  • [/l][/l]

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Picked up the new camera today. Have been playing around with it this evening and very pleased!  :)  Its a nikon D90.

We are looking forward to the pictures Andy... great choice of camera I reckon.. and to all you Cannon chaps/chapesses out there...

Pwwwttthhhhh  :P;D:-*

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just cost my boss extra cash after one of the so called "gold user chosen ones" in the office forgot to pay our tamar bridge accounts so the tags were stopped, refused to pay at the booth so now have an iou for 3.50 instead of the usual 1 quid, due to fees, handed it in and got a stern lecture about non co operation etc,  then pointed out the 20 odd others on his desk and just walked out it aint my van afterall is it

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heard today my 2 month contract is now rolling...but a chance i could get a perm position out of it :) ....weird really considering its the same company who made me redundant, only down side is its in London but 'feels' better than the local office i was at....if that makes sense? :-\ :-\ ....oh well we'll see!

oh ands have loads of 'stirrers' now so i can start my new shed!  ;D ;D ;D

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The start of the Formula Offroad season yesterday in Norway with the opening round of the Norwegian Cup. A motorsport i've followed passionately ever since Jeremy Clarkson's visit to Iceland in the late nineties for his series Motorworld. The Icelandic championship starts next weekend followed by the first FIA recognised N.E.Z championship rounds at the end of May. :)8)

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I've been sorting my room out in readiness for my recent cabinets to be installed and decided to spring clean the rest of it whilst I was in there, and to what pleased me from this experience: Discovering a whole host of machinery brochures ( tractors, plant, implements ) I had tooked away I never even realised I still had. They're not oldest but also not the newest, might endeavour to post a few of them on here at some point :)

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