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What's the oldest model you own ? - and how old is it ?

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I was just sitting here and I thought to myself... I wonder what is the oldest model I own... have you ever wondered the same ???

I THINK... my oldest model would be a Mitlon of India MF35... or my Corgi 65... or perhaps the 780 combine ... I'd guess there are from the early 1960's

come on.. your turn

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Are we talking any model or farm models in particular?

If it's fam models I would say that my oldest one would be the pre-war Britains 'farmers gig and horse', the one with the 'thin' horse with raised front leg and the farmer driver without the whip and the gig without the whip holder. Dates from around 1936. Another that could be earlier, no-one knows exactly because it's so rare, is the large scale hollow-cast heavy horse (twice the size of a Britains horse) probably made by J. Hill & Co and the large scale hay rake attributed to Kayron. AVH Farm Toys or Olsen that was originally supplied or sold together as a 'unit'. If it's tractors then I reckon it's the Maylow Products (later bought out by Meccano) 3 that I have.

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My oldest model would be my straw box cambridge rolls or straw box Forage harvester, both 1978. Oldest model purchased new  would either be Milk marketing board Leyland tanker 1981 or Burgundy and yellow Round baler. Oldest tractor MF 595 (1975) oldest tractor purchased new would be one of my MB tracs 1982. All models Britains of course. ::)

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My oldest models are all pre-war (1930s )

Britains Farmers Gig complete with farmer and box

Britains Farm Cart 40F with box

Britains Log Wagon complete with harness links

Britains "fur hoof" horse (additional to the one with log wagon)

John HIll Bullock Cart, horse, driver and stockman

Stop there - almost everything in my collection is well over 50 years old

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I doubt that's a '48 E27N though Bill as it has the wire steering column, and the plough may have been put in that box as it's got the later plastic rear wheel.

Ok Nigel so the E27N could be 1952 ;) ;)

Yes I think you could be right on the plough this was discussed in another topic around the time I bought the plough a couple of years ago.

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i actually prefer the older models un-boxed and played with, they may not be worth as much as a boxed one but it shows theyve had a life and have been enjoyed, bit like a worn teddy bear really.

I have a lot of playworn animals and when on display no-one seems to notice the missing paint.  A mix of near mint and worn animals just adds to the character; after all real animals are all individual.

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