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Mrs 590 says she may go shopping this afternoon & i dont have too go ha ha! which mean s i can spent most the day in the model room !!!!!

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Thanks too on the Renaissane vid too both of you - After getting rid of all my Vinyl on ebay i did keep this one Renaissance 12" Northern Lights 1978 not hread it for years , Now i m singing my head to it ha ha! Mrs 590 deffo going shopping she s just shouted out !!!!!

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You are going to start me off singing that one now, which is bad as I sing like a bird but unfortunately it is a Carrion Crow..........



Trivia question for you, what was the name of the TV series that song came from?

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Ah with you , of the top of my head I can't remember but like you can hear it in my head.

For me walked into the office today to be told I will work on tonight to finish a urgent job as no way could it be done in a normal day and today's the end of quater for the project. Really pleased when i finished it with a good 1 hr to spare and wasn't late, bosses face was a picture , never tell me what can't be done , as I will prove you wrong if I can

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Hi id been singing that song" Northern lights " all Sunday ha ha! , the Mrs says it was the song used on a TV show but she cant think of its name !!!!!

It really made me a little sad aswell watching that vid took me back too the late 70s when i was only a lad when driving tractors & drinking cider was my total world ! them was the days thats for sure

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Today I dropped off my late fathers V reg Corsa which will be 15 years old on 01/09/2014 for an MOT at a friends garage in Peterculter which he rents out to a mechanic who was made redundant from Culter Car Centre when they ceased to trade. Last year the car  got an advisory saying the inner rear (sill) Suspension component mounting prescribed area is corroded but not considered excessive. About a month ago I jacked the car up and took off the wheel and removed the rust and gave the area a paint with black Screwfix black "Hammerite paint" thinking there was a small hole that would need welding. Well I was over the moon when I got a call this afternoon from the mechanics wife saying the car was ready for collection. When I collected the car the mechanic said no welding was needed and the only thing it required prior to the MOT was adjustment to a wheel bearing. I was delighted it passed with no advisory's and with 99,073 miles on the clock. I have only done over 1,000 miles with it over the last year but I hope I will do more over the next year and take it around the clock and then hopefully keep it as an emerging classic in another 5 or so years time. I have all the MOT certificates and I'm sure all the invoices for servicing are in the handbook...the only thing I need to check on is to see if my mum has kept the purchase invoice for the car which was registered on 01/09/1999....fingers crossed she has ;D  ;D

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