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Ive been bringing my new MF 3080 upto scratch today,  firstly some matt black paint under the rear fenders which helps draw attention away from the cab screw...……………….and besides the real things are also blacked out in the same place.   Ive stuck on a "J" Reg 1991 numberplate as the 3080 didn't get upgraded by the 3085 until 1992 as I recall...…………….for some reason the 3090 got changed to 3095 a year earlier, maybe to do with the 3100 series launch in late 1990.

I sprayed the first coat of MF sapphire grey metallic onto the silver wheels and as usual "what a difference"!!    I think I will keep these rears on the model but change those unimpressive bald looking tyres with something that has treads:lol:   As for the fronts I don't really like the style of rims with a weighted hub...………..im hoping to swap it over with another models similar to the 6170s which are far nicer and were hugely popular on the 3000 series to, looking at my archive pictures.






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4 hours ago, bluegreen said:

Ive been bringing my new MF 3080 upto scratch today,  firstly some matt black paint under the rear fenders which helps draw attention away from the cab screw...……………….and besides the real things are also blacked out in the same place.   Ive stuck on a "J" Reg 1991 numberplate as the 3080 didn't get upgraded by the 3085 until 1992 as I recall...…………….for some reason the 3090 got changed to 3095 a year earlier, maybe to do with the 3100 series launch in late 1990.

I sprayed the first coat of MF sapphire grey metallic onto the silver wheels and as usual "what a difference"!!    I think I will keep these rears on the model but change those unimpressive bald looking tyres with something that has treads:lol:   As for the fronts I don't really like the style of rims with a weighted hub...………..im hoping to swap it over with another models similar to the 6170s which are far nicer and were hugely popular on the 3000 series to, looking at my archive pictures.






looking really good, are you changing the wing mirrors as pre 3005 series didn't have the telescopic ones fitted if im correct, im looking at fitting 590 ones on my 2wd 3080 model

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I must say I hadn't noticed about the wing mirrors before you mentioned them and looking at my archives the only machine which has the telescopics is a 1991 MF3125 model.   Now my memory tells me that MF were slow to upgrade the 100hp 3080s to 3005 status, with the 3095 arriving with the 3100 launch and 3605 models in 1990/91...…………..The 3085 arrived a year later or maybe even 18 months in later 92.  Point being, if the 3005 machines had the new wingmirror option in 1991 then almost certainly the remaining 3000 series models would have had the option too don't you think.   My 3080 is a 1991 J reg so I ordered it with the new telescopic wingmirrors:lol:...…………………...failing that you could always get Henri W too provide 3085 bonnet decals which would be much easier too apply than removing and replacing wing mirrors with the holes they would leave on the cab frame.

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After trying various different wheel specifications I eventually went mostly with the original set up.  I just switched the rear tyres over for the nicer ones off a Ford 7810 as both models sport replica 16.9 R38s.  Unfortunately the Ford models front tyres don't match with the MF rims so I haven't got another option at present.  The wheels and tyres on my new 6170 look good on the 3080 but in reality I would need to rebadge it to a 3120 too justify bigger tyres.  And I would need to pinch the front weight and swap that over as well as the 3080 ones would look far to small with bigger boots.   So its best left as is I think which to be fair is a very accurate model...………………….very pleased with the sapphire grey spray paint job on the wheels though:)




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Resprayed the roof silver and painted the radiator grill surround silver as well,  and then both sets of wheels sprayed with Sapphire grey...……………….."that's more like it"

Reg plate and tyre dusting to follow when I get a chance, along with the customary 6100 rusty exhaust top:D




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Been practicing my weathering skills today, i had a spare 3c lying around and wanted a heavily rusted version so had a go, this is only the second time i've attempted weathering  and just needs side of the cab doing a bit more but for a quick attempt i'm pretty pleased, maybe a little ott. The 5000 is for another project that im working on for a new layout so watch this space ;)



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19 hours ago, MDFord said:

I have sorted out the broken steering column on the Britain’s Major. There was no steeringwheel, and the arm on the bottom was broken off as well. Using parts from Brian Norman, to avoid splitting the casting I had to file off a raised ring at the bottom, and fettle the new shaft so I could slide it up through the holes in the casting. Then I had to make a small brass bush to locate under the steering wheel so it wouldn’t sit too low because of having to file down the higher of the two raised rings earlier. After fitting and “glueing” the new fettled steering wheel, I made a new steering link from a paper clip, as suggested by Brian Norman. Also the arm needed a hole drilled in it. A bit of blue paint on the lower parts, and I’ll paint the steering wheel tomorrow, when the adhesive has fully set.



That's great advice but I think you make it sound easier that it was. An approach to remember.

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looking tidy mark, i pondered that when i did mine, but wasnt worth the agro as the bottom wire linkage arm was intact, so i sanded down the top of the arm, and formed the pin end to fit the new wheel to instead, took a while as i didnt want to sand off to much or cut it off completly with a slip of the hand  

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Best course of action there Sean. Mine had no steering wheel, and the bottom part was snapped of flush with the casting, I did ponder trying to spread the two halves of the casting, but there was hardly any movement there. I didn't want to risk bending or cracking it so had to think of another way to get the new steering column in.

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always been told the older fordson castings are very soft and easy to break compaired to the newer say mf595 or ford 6600’s , hence why i went this route, on my first one i managed to swap the rear linkage without splitting to, just removed the rear wheels, and went from there, 

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