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Same here Bill, wal to wall sunshine, outside temperature reading 18.1C and the Swallows are happier as they are well twittering and diving about. Had to go into Exeter late this morning and with the amount of water running on the roads, wheels picking it up and following other vehicles, had to have the windscreen wipers going most of the time. Another 10.8mm of rain fell here before midnight last night. Just totalled up the rainfall here for April = 107.6mm

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another scorcher of a day here in Dyce...roll on 2pm when I can get outside and enjoy it.

much the same here in essex bill, cloudy morning gave way to a sunny afternoon. you can almost see the garden grow now the sun has got his hat on.
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Well,it's been really hot at work today,


I did think that reading might be slightly out,but talking to a woman in her garden,she confirmed,haveing checked her garden thermometer,yes it is 32c,



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I normally sleep like a log but last night I woke a few times because of the heat. It was 12.5 degrees on the way to work this morning and clear until I reached Marshall Trailers were it was thick fog. It's beginnning to burn off as I type and looks to be another cracking day ahead.

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Pretty warm here yesterday but today, 09.10am it's 22.2C outside and will get hotter as the day goes on, winter to high summer in 2 days! There'll be a drought declared by the end of next week I expect!

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The last rain we had in Aberdeenshire was early Saturday morning and now 6 days on no rain and around 21 or 22 degrees. Yesterday the past week had been so nice I decided to take a day off the first of this years holiday entitlement which started on 1st April. Although I love my job the weeks pass so much quicker if you can get a 4 day week ever so often 8)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

well sunny devon is not so sunny today. floods all around me. we've been on the news all morning. modbury high street has 4ft of water in it , all the shops have had it.yealmpton where my mum lives is closed . there worried about losing the bridge .fleet bridges are having work done to them at the moment and the diggers and dumpers are under water. good job i live at the top of the hill.

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They say that it's going to remain in the same pattern for at least several more weeks unless the position of the jet stream changes. The jet stream being so far further South than normal is keeping the air flow around the UK in more or less a continuous and static position which is keeping the low pressure systems we've been having just going around in circles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I could not believe the amount of rain we had yesterday evening...obviously the water table must be high this year or my drains in the back garden are not working very well :angry:


bill, the jet stream is said to be heading your way this weekend. please can you, joe and brian do all you can to keep it up your way please. preferably over the north coast of the shetlands. thanks mate. Edited by chris.watson
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Well I'm praying for a dry weekend Chris....on Saturday to tidy my garden in the morning and the folks one in the afternoon and then on Sunday a day out to the Alford Cavalcade at the Grampian Transport Museum at Alford.I was there a few weeks ago for an event but it was so wet and miserable I even refused an ice cream cone from Brian...so here's hoping it is a nice day. I not even going to look at the weekend forecast and will just take the weekend as it comes ;D ;D

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  • 2 weeks later...

As they say in the song

I really wonder considering I was just about to jet wash the slabs to my front door and also around the greenhouse / cold frame and tattie plot when this came on followed by a crack of thunder.....the weather annoyed me but that is just an inconvenience for me (there is always tomorrow and if I'm not there I do not care...a quote from my dad..)...having said that I do really feel sorry for the farmers who are earning their living off the land in times like this...."I cannot believe it" as old Victor Meldrum used to say but the sun is now shining from the North...camera on charge ..no photos.

But I don't believe it ;D ;D





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